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5.0 out of 5 stars Wow ky!!!!!!!, December 19, 2012 Byverma tean neal – See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)This is best read I have had in a verrrrrrrrry long time !!!!!!!!! Please hurry with the sequel. I need to find out what’s happening, or what’s going to happen. 5.0 out of 5 stars Certainly a jaw dropper!, December 17, 2012 ByCjcliff – See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)I couldn’t put this book down. This book is filled with drama, suspense, action packed and an ending that knocked my socks off. Highly recommended. 5.0 out of 5 stars WOW! Couldn’t Put It Down!!, December 11, 2012 ByM. Chavis (FL, US) – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)OMG! This book was SOOO GOOD!! I couldn’t put it down. The ending leads me to believe there will be a part two. I can’t wait! Don’t let this good read pass you by. Very enjoyable! 5.0 out of 5 stars HMMMMMM, November 28, 2012 ByLady Nette – See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)Now this book was the type of book that make you go hmmmmmmmm, whats really going on. I really enjoyed the suspense in this book…..A must read!!! 5.0 out of 5 stars Could Not Put It Down!!!, November 22, 2012 ByShonta M Stewart – See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)I really enjoyed the book. The book is filled with drama had lots of twist and also very vivid sexual escapades. The book is well written,fast paced therefore you’re constantly wanting more. The author K.J. captured your interest with all the characters and their different personalities. There was always someone in each chapter who you could relate to. This book covers many scandals that are later revealed and the author has you wanting more and more. I am hoping that we get a sequel sooner than later. I do a lot of reading, I am impressed that the book was this good from beginning to the end with this being her first book. So, I highly recommend this book and want to say to Zane,C.Webber,M.Morrison,and K.Swinson watch out there’s a new author in town and she is on your tail! 5.0 out of 5 stars Reap what you sow, November 14, 2012 ByJlynn – See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)Wow my mouth dropped as I read this book I couldn’t put it down because I was to curious to find out what happened. Thanky you for keeping the suspense and filling that curiosity. What people don’t understand that although this is a story this does happen in real life. Do to others what you want done to you always expect the unexpected. Keep the books coming 🙂 4.0 out of 5 stars The Andrews Put The “Dys” in “Dysfunction”, November 3, 2012 ByC’est LV (Georgia, USA) – See all my reviewsThis review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)Talk about a family that puts the “dys” in “dysfunction,” the Andrews clan is that kind of family. Brenda and Brian, the two beautiful children of Olivia and Robert Andrews are just as beautiful and handsome as their parents. They have been raised in an upwardly mobile African American family by a Pilot father and a socialite mother. They like to joke that people think they are the Cosbys but they behave more like the Turners, of Ike and Tina fame. This is proven as we are painted a picture through the eyes of Brenda and Brian how it was for them growing up. There is emotional and physical abuse, and past experiences for them both in the romance department that keeps you from hating Brenda and Brian, once you realize they have both been through so much.However, before we get the full picture, the reader sees them as a player and a promiscuous diva who can have their share of those of the opposite sex because they come in such pretty packages. But they are both pretty broken. Brenda has starved all her life for her father’s love. As a result she finds herself in a dead-end relationship with a man who almost succeeds in selling her a phony bill of goods.Brian is a player’s player. He has no regard for anyone of the female persuasion, except perhaps his sister. A broken heart when he was in college has almost succeeded in turning him into his father–a rolling stone who has more than a modicum of skeletons in his closet.What I found so fascinating about this story is KF Johnson’s ability to write from the male and female POV so effortlessly. I think I enjoyed being in Brian’s head more than Brenda’s because it’s not very often you can find a female to write the male POV so well. High kudos to KF for that.Also, all of her characters were so vivid and well-drawn, there were no one or two-dimensional characters to be found in this book. I found myself laughing so hard at many of the one-liners, and the expressive ways that both Brenda and Brian thought and talked to their friends. While reading I could see some of these characters in people I actually know.As the Andrews try to solve the mystery of how the patriarch, Robert, dies in an alleged pool accident, Brenda and Brian live through their own unique brands of drama which culminate in a surprise ending that you won’t see coming.These characters grow so much, and you finally get to cheer for them in earnest as they come to terms with the secrets and family issues that have shaped them. Behind Closed Doors goes there, and by that I mean everywhere you can imagine it could in a black family, and then some. You will not be bored one second by this book! 5.0 out of 5 stars Can’t wait for the follow up!, November 11, 2012 ByE Maximin – See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)All I can say is Wow!.. This was a page turner for me from beginning to end. Bring on the drama. I am on pins and needles waiting to see how this finally plays out… 5.0 out of 5 stars Omg!! I love this book, November 3, 2012 ByJuanita Jackson – See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)This is a must read book! I’m wanting more please tell me there’s a 2nd book to this coming out the ending was crazy as heck.. Im mad that its over.. I want to know what happened with Brenda and lane and Brian and Nadia and is she pregnant and is she going to tell her best friend about her fiance 5.0 out of 5 stars Twisted Siblings, November 1, 2012 ByJeff Napolitano (Fullerton, CA) – See all my reviewsThis review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)When I first looked at the table of contents and noticed the POV alternating back and forth from Brian and Brenda, I was hooked, and I knew right then that this would be a different alternative to what I commonly see. It is so hard to find books that do not follow the typical patterns that everyone thinks is a great read, but this one really stimulated my mind because it kept me guessing. It was also a story that I’d never heard before, and I don’t want to give it away, so I won’t, but everyone has had some challenging times with siblings!! This is definitely one of those books you want to read, even if you grew up as a loner child, as in the end, you just might be! 5.0 out of 5 stars Behind Closed Doors, October 27, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)Let me just say that I have never written review about a book before but I could not let this one pass me by. This book had drama from beginning to end…and the ending???? FIYAHHH!! GREAT JOB on your debut novel and I hope that you are working on a sequel as we speak because WE NEED MORE!! AWESOME READ! 5.0 out of 5 stars WOW! WOW! and WOW AGAIN!!, October 24, 2012 By
Kimmie B. “Kimmie B.” (Washington, DC) – See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)I am still trying to figure out if I am sitting in the audience of an old Jerry Springer episode! This is such a GREAT BOOK!! I could not stop reading it…so many twists and turns! The author really set up the characters beautifully. The story line was very easy to follow and OH BOY! Does she know how to really set the reader up for ‘dropped jaw syndrome’…my jaw is still DROPPED! This is a story about love, and searching everywhere for it–losing in the game of love, abuse, family bonds, family secrets and lies, promiscuity, self hatred, choices, chances and karma — plus throw in a little murder, ‘down-low’ action and stalking to boot…and you have the recipe for an OUTSTANDING book!! I would say if you have not had the pleasure of reading this book, PLEASE DO! 5 stars and 2 Snaps Up!*Drops mic and walks away..
5.0 out of 5 stars In amazement on the edge of my seat, October 21, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
This. Book. Is a. A must. Read. It had me at. The edge of my seat From first to tast page my eyes were glued I cannot wait. For book two
4.0 out of 5 stars Attention, October 19, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Good novel, a real page turner full of characters you love to hate. I was a little confused at times then the authors brought me back into reality. Needs a little editing, but overall worth the read.5.0 out of 5 stars Definite page-turner!, October 15, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)I didn’t know what to expect when I picked the book up for our monthly book-club! I took me only 2 days to read this drama-filled story. I couldn’t put it down! Brenda and Brian’s characters were well written and believable. Even though I didn’t like Brian based on his actions in the book, I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen to him next! The rest of the characters had great story lines of their own and I hope that the author will add some of them to her next book! I want to know more about these characters. The author kept the suspense going and added some unexpected plot twists. I would recommend this book for all readers, including men – (the author has the way guys think down pat)! It has a little bit of everything for every type of reader – action, romance and suspense! Ms. KF Johnson is a new author about to blow up in the literary scene! Continue writing… cause I can’t wait for the sequel!!! I will definitely buy the next one!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book, October 15, 2012 By
Felicia Royster (Brooklyn, New York) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
a real page turner and when you think you got it figured out she flips the script. I love it. The characters were awesome. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great Read!!!, October 15, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)I was truly impressed with this book. Great characters and dialogue. Cannot wait for Part 2 with all the twists and turns that was in book 1, it should really be interesting how all of the drama unfolds.5.0 out of 5 stars Behind Closed Door number 1 top pic., October 14, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)This book was very good. It was not predictable and kept me wanting more. Hurry up part two. What will Rhonda do? Paul and Jullian?OMG5.0 out of 5 stars Pure Awesomeness, October 12, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)This was a very good read filled with all the juicy tales of a suspenseful movie. The writer did an excellent job keeping you on your toes. This is a must read. I would recommend this book to friends.4.0 out of 5 stars Don’t let what happens Behind the Closed Door be exposed to the light.. October 9, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)I loved the book. It seemed as though they were real people. Are they? They say what goes around comes around two times fold and Brian got what was coming to him. You can’t treat people like that and not expect someone to react back to your treatment. I was disappointed on the ending but since it says volume I, I can’t want for the next volume…5.0 out of 5 stars Unexpected, October 8, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)I’m not really an avid reader,but a friend recommended the book to me and since she talked about it so much, I got it. Oh boy! Now I’m hooked. These people have mega issues, but they’re funny and remind me of some of the people I know too. Looking forward to the sequel. Good read.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book!, October 8, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
This book keeps you interested the entire way through! Can’t wait for the sequel. Some characters I hated, but I loved to hate them! It was NOT predictable….kept you on the edge of your seat!
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome, October 4, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
From start to finish this book kept me engaged. I read it in 3 days! It was that DAMN good! I can’t wait for the sequel!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Sequel is a must!, October 4, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Behind Closed Doors was a page turner! I read it in two days while on vacation and couldn’t put it down. The characters pulled me in, some I loved, others I hated (Brian) but either way I was interested in what was going to happen to them next. The ending was like a cliffhanger of a soap opera when you are waiting for the next season! I was ready to read the sequel right after. I look forward to Ms. Johnson’s next edition to see what happens. For a first time author, I think this was a great read and the author added so many twists that kept you riveted. I recommend it!
5.0 out of 5 stars Bring on the sequel, September 30, 2012 By
Stacey E. Morrison (League City, TX United States) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Behind Closed Doors was a page turner. I did not want to put it down. The author writes in the perspective of each of the two siblings so that the story doesn’t just have one perspective. The mystery of their father’s death was coupled with their kidnapping. It also had a romantic twist that kept the story going. How the author could keep all that together I don’t know, but it all worked out with a wonderful ending. I am looking forward for the sequel.
5.0 out of 5 stars Suspenseful and funny., September 30, 2012 By
Helena Williams (Atlanta, Georgia) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
I must say Ms. Johnson has brought back reality to a gutter filled world. I appreciate the way the book leads you through various twists and turns, revealing a lot of secrets one probably would hope wouldn’t make it to front page news.
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome!!, September 29, 2012 By
latoya g. (Decatur, Ga) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
The characters and plot were intriguing and kept me tied to my kindle. Definitely a page turner. I cant wait to read what the author has in store for us next.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Read!, September 29, 2012 By
This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
So much fun to read for this busy mom!! Characters were vibrant and full of life as their stories unfolded with tons of spicy twists and turns. Truly a slice of life page turner that grabs your attention and keeps it until the very end.
5.0 out of 5 stars Behind Closed Doors (Volume ), September 28, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) The book was awesome ,love the characters and it kept me going till the end & I also love the ending. I can’t wait for the sequel.
5.0 out of 5 stars SUSPENSE, September 27, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
I loved the book it had me going from the beginning of the book till the end , cant wait for the next book. A must read.
5.0 out of 5 stars A great read, September 1, 2012 By
ABurgess “Jesus Is Lord” (Atlanta, GA) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
I ABSOUTELY loved this book. I downloaded to my iPhone which wasn’t too bad on my eyes but it was definitely a FINGER turner. Can’t wait to see what Ms Johnson has in store for us… Just don’t wait too long!
5.0 out of 5 stars Riveting and Intense, An All Night Page Turner, August 29, 2012 By
L. Davis (Tampa, FL USA) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)
The characters are fresh, alive, and overflowing with drama. The book will rivet the reader taking them on multiple journeys through the hearts and minds of people with grappling issues they are running from and trying to avoid like a raging volvano. The ending is unexpected and exciting. Cant wait for more work from this new and bold author.
5.0 out of 5 stars Speechless, August 21, 2012 By
Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Ok ok I just finished the book. I read every chance I got free. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You left me wanting more!! I laughed…cried……thought I was going to end up screaming at the end but I held it in. Lol lol ENCORE…we want more!! Awesome talent!! BRAVO!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book, August 20, 2012 By
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This review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Volume 1) (Paperback)
Magnificent detail into the lives of a self centered womanizing brother and a confused, nieve sister. There’s so many skeletons that fall out of almost each character. This is a must read!!!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Read!, July 27, 2012 By
edaughtry – See all my reviewsThis review is from: Behind Closed Doors (Kindle Edition)This is a great read so far, definitely do not want to put the book down!taking my time reading it because I don’t want to end the book…can’t wait to see what the next book will bring!